Posts Tagged ‘struggles’

I had a serious Paleo melt down last night. These were the texts I sent my friend:

“Why am I being so strict, who am I proving anything to?” “It worked for me when I wasn’t strict.” “I can’t live like this!!!”

Dramatic?  Yes!  So is my relationship with food.  I NEEDED tortilla chips. 🙂  My girl, Sandra knew exactly what to say.  Simply, “Then don’t, silly!”  And then it was like the air getting let out of an over-filled balloon.  I exhaled.  Oh yeah, I AM allowed.  I AM NOT proving anything to anyone.  And most of all, not being strict does not make me a failure….

So, with these things in mind, I went into Whole Foods to buy some munchies for the night.  After a long day at the salon, I seem to just want to pick at a bunch of things, not cook or make an actual dinner plate.  So, I gave myself permission.  Permission… Last night, that mighty word seemed to take all of the power, yes power, out of the tortilla chips.  I didn’t even go down that aisle, and it wasn’t forced, because I had permission.  If I wanted them, I could get them.  And I didn’t.  So very interesting, this brain of mine!

My dinner consisted of plantain chips, tuna salad, guacamole, dried  mango, and almond butter.  Not a perfect omega-3 to omega-6 ratio ;), but pretty sweet choices considering earlier melt down status!!

That is all. Happy weekend!  Get those booties outside!!

Something has been eating (no pun intended) at me lately. It is all the negative self-talk people, myself included, use.  We describe our eating- “I was good”, “I was bad”, “I cheated”, “I rewarded myself”.  We comment on our performance- “I felt weak”, “That sucked”, or, more often used, the negative head shake at oneself during a workout.  Not to mention the stuff we say about our bodies.  I think that we underestimate the power of the words we use, the negative effect they really have on our self-esteem.  If I want to change my thinking, I must change the way I talk to and about myself.  So, I am going to do a little experiment, care to join??

Below are some ways I am going to kick the negative talk to the curb!!

On food:

1) What I have eaten does NOT make me “good” or “bad”.

2) “Cheating” is something much, MUCH worse than eating some chips or a dessert.

3) And the opposite of reward is, of course, punishment, so where do you think that leads?

And when I am about to say my work out sucked, I’ll ask myself these questions:

1) Remember when the only lifting you did was a grocery bag or two?

2) Remember when running AT ALL was hard?

3) Remember when, in your mind, even ONE pull-up was something only army dudes could do?

I will let you come up with your own affirmations to say in the mirror to replace your self-pooping.  This blog is no place for mush. 😉 But, I will propose this.  How about if we try , just as an experiment, to not fixate on every flaw, but instead see and appreciate our bodies for the strong and ingenious vessels that they are.  AND, YOU, STOP F***ING TALKING TO MY FRIEND LIKE THAT!!!

So, yesterday (day 1 of strict Paleo), at the New Years Day party, I managed to do quite well, avoiding many non-paleo temptations: the sweet smelling corn pone, the mound of chocolate chip toffee cookies, (made by my friend the pastry chef, mind you), and, well, I could go on but you get it.  I had resolve, though, and I powered through!

Then.. I left. And I was tired and it was night and I was going home… eeeek!  I felt the cravings for sugar/any comfort food coming on. (more…)